
Eesti Vabariik - The Republic of Estonia

EESTI VABARIIK - THE REPUBLIC OF ESTONIA    Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia, is Lucy’s 7th and last capital city of her Nordic adventure. The official language is Eesti, Estonian, a Uralic language related to Finnish and Hungarian. Eesti is unrelated to the bordering Russian and Latvian languages, both of which are Indo-European. As usual Lucy quickly learnt a few useful phrases.  Tere – Hello Palun – Please, you're welcome Aitäh – Thank you Jah – Yes Ei – No Minu nimi on ... – My name is ... Terviseks! – Cheers! Vabandust – Sorry Nägemist – Bye Arriving in Tallinn  Wednesday 26th June 2019 The boat arrived in the early hours of the morning, but we were able to sleep in the cabin until disembarkation at 6.45. I caught a bus to the city centre and found a cafe to have breakfast. I ordered scrambled egg and toast. It came with lettuce, radishes, a salad dressing and some very spicy hummus. It was delicious. After breakfast Lucy got out a map and some leaflets that she ha

Suomi - Finland

SUOMI - FINLAND  The ferry to Turku  20th June 2019 The ferry journey to Mariehamn was so enjoyable that I changed my travel plans. Instead of getting the overnight boat to Helsinki I decided to catch the day-time one to Turku as I thought it would be better than spending the journey in a cabin. Then I would stay the night in Turku before travelling across Finland to Helsinki by train. Viking line were brilliant and refunded the price of my pre-booked cabin.  , I spent the morning, enjoying the sunshine and having a last look around Mariehamn, before I set out to board Viking Grace again to go to Finland. When I arrived at the ferry terminal there were hundreds of school children crowded in the waiting areas, all dressed in different football kit. I found out that they came from all over Finland and Sweden to play in the Alandia Cup. An annual 7-a-side football tournament for 11-year old boys and girls held in Mariehamn with 110 different teams competing. Over the five days of the comp